Monday, June 4, 2012

Putting my toes back into the water...

Firstly, I am not a professional writer, so I apologise now for the lack of structure, spelling and grammatical errors you may discover, if you choose to read on.  This is not the first blog I have written as an expat living in Qatar.  For some silly reason, I completely wiped 2 years of work after a friend was seriously hacked and now I find myself starting over again for the same reasons as I did last time, this time though I'm an expat wife and mother to Miss B3. 

Too many weird and wonderful things happen in this part of the world that is the Middle East and parenthood, as many will identify with, provides you with non stop entertainment, all hours of the day and night!  We live in a world of sharing and given my background, I find writing a great creative outlet whilst being out of the professional workforce and it pushes my brain to think beyond the next nursery rhyme.  The thought of any of my friends or acquaintances that are professional writers, reading this makes me cringe a little but I have been inspired by others in very similar circumstances and hopefully this can offer a little of the same.

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